Issue 36 Editor’s Letter: Conscious


Hello again lovely folk! The time has once again rolled around, and the team and I are over-the-moon to be bringing you another sweet issue … number 36 (and nearly catching up to me in issues as my age!). Maybe this calls for a celebration!

Each issue has so much love poured into it, and we really take the time to think about the message we want to share with you. This time around our energy has gone into creating a ‘conscious’ edition. You’ve probably heard this word bandied around quite a bit of recent days and wondered why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. For us, it’s about creating an awareness of one’s self in this big old world! Our decisions make an impact, whether it’s environmentally, financially or in our relationships. So ask questions, don’t be afraid to do things differently and allow the process to bring you closer together as a couple.

I’ve actually been thinking about that phrase “let love bloom”. We use it a lot when talking about new relationships, but I think it’s important for us to realise that we continue to blossom and grow throughout our marriage. It’s not just something for engaged couples and newlyweds—couples who have been married for 20, 30 or even 60 years are always still learning about each other and growing together.

I have this real picture in my head of a David Austin rose slowly unravelling … it’s not something that happens overnight. It’s a slow process that over time presents a sweet and most fragrant bloom. You just can’t rush these things and in the same way, kindness and patience are key in your marriage. If you are interested in words and their meanings like me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see ‘develop’, ‘grow’, ‘progress’, ‘unfold’ and ‘evolve’ alongside ‘bloom’, and this is exactly what I want for my marriage with Luke; always growing and evolving together, not pushing or rushing things—just embracing and enjoying where we are at now. During your journey of planning, learning and decision-making, take each step thoughtfully—no need to rush! Don’t do things because they are easy, cheap or convenient! Take a minute to stop and reflect together; communication is key to seeing you both grow closer together on this most beautiful journey. And don’t forget to stop and smell the roses on the way …

Carly Tia


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Carly Tia